

今日の ruby build 2023-11-08


b4bf8c9ee2d716adf5fc08e67c4b26d6a8f929c2 までを pull ってきてビルド。エラー/警告ともになし。

  Files:       1053

  Classes:     1261 ( 317 undocumented)
  Modules:      243 (  82 undocumented)
  Constants:   2458 ( 788 undocumented)
  Attributes:  1486 ( 258 undocumented)
  Methods:    12640 (2507 undocumented)

  Total:      18088 (3952 undocumented)
   78.15% documented

  Elapsed: 44.6s


make test-all を実行。

Finished tests in 963.847225s, 27.3290 tests/s, 6485.7727 assertions/s.
26341 tests, 6251294 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 85 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-08T12:40:22Z master b4bf8c9ee2) [x86_64-linux]

今日のビルド(Universal Parser 有効化)

b4bf8c9ee2d716adf5fc08e67c4b26d6a8f929c2 までを pull ってきてビルド。

ruby_parser.c: In function ‘rb_parser_config_initialize’:
ruby_parser.c:721:29: warning: assignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attribute [-Wsuggest-attribute=format]
  721 |     config->compile_warn    = rb_compile_warn;
      |                             ^
ruby_parser.c:722:29: warning: assignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attribute [-Wsuggest-attribute=format]
  722 |     config->compile_warning = rb_compile_warning;
      |                             ^
ruby_parser.c:723:29: warning: assignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attribute [-Wsuggest-attribute=format]
  723 |     config->bug             = rb_bug;
      |                             ^
ruby_parser.c:724:29: warning: assignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attribute [-Wsuggest-attribute=format]
  724 |     config->fatal           = rb_fatal;
      |                             ^
ruby_parser.c: At top level:
cc1: note: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Wno-self-assign’ may have been intended to silence earlier diagnostics
cc1: note: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Wno-parentheses-equality’ may have been intended to silence earlier diagnostics
cc1: note: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Wno-constant-logical-operand’ may have been intended to silence earlier diagnostics
  Files:       1053

  Classes:     1261 ( 317 undocumented)
  Modules:      243 (  82 undocumented)
  Constants:   2458 ( 788 undocumented)
  Attributes:  1486 ( 258 undocumented)
  Methods:    12640 (2507 undocumented)

  Total:      18088 (3952 undocumented)
   78.15% documented

  Elapsed: 49.0s

今日のテスト(Universal Parser 有効化)

make test-all を実行。

Finished tests in 1004.453738s, 26.2242 tests/s, 6224.0945 assertions/s.
26341 tests, 6251815 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 86 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-08T12:40:22Z master b4bf8c9ee2) [x86_64-linux]

今日のビルド(YJIT 有効化)

b4bf8c9ee2d716adf5fc08e67c4b26d6a8f929c2 までを pull ってきてビルド。エラー/警告ともになし。

今日のテスト(YJIT 有効化)

make test-all を実行。

Finished tests in 972.256845s, 27.0926 tests/s, 6430.7349 assertions/s.
26341 tests, 6252326 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 86 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-08T12:40:22Z master b4bf8c9ee2) [x86_64-linux]

今日のビルド(RJIT 有効化)

b4bf8c9ee2d716adf5fc08e67c4b26d6a8f929c2 までを pull ってきてビルド。エラー/警告ともになし。

今日のテスト(RJIT 有効化)

make test-all を実行。

Finished tests in 983.899215s, 26.7721 tests/s, 6354.5421 assertions/s.
26341 tests, 6252229 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 86 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-08T12:40:22Z master b4bf8c9ee2) [x86_64-linux]