

今日の ruby build 2023-11-02


33795931a021c6abebe2c60864d88b8f4644ff70 までを pull ってきてビルド。エラー/警告ともになし。

  Files:       1047

  Classes:     1249 ( 308 undocumented)
  Modules:      240 (  79 undocumented)
  Constants:   2425 ( 755 undocumented)
  Attributes:  1473 ( 245 undocumented)
  Methods:    12407 (2294 undocumented)

  Total:      17794 (3681 undocumented)
   79.31% documented

  Elapsed: 32.4s


make test-all を実行。

Leaked thread: TestProfileFrames#test_profile_thread_frames: #<Thread:0x00007f9b911d5e78 /home/jinroq/dev/sandbox/my-ruby-build/build-ruby-repo/test/-ext-/debug/test_profile_frames.rb:158 sleep>
Leaked file descriptor: WebauthnListenerTest#test_wait_for_otp_code_options_request: 9 : #<TCPSocket:fd 9, AF_INET,, 35955>
ruby    1596617 jinroq    9u  IPv4 3391292      0t0  TCP localhost:35955->localhost:50070 (CLOSE_WAIT)
Closed file descriptor: WebauthnListenerTest#test_wait_for_otp_code_get_request: 9
Finished tests in 701.238869s, 37.4979 tests/s, 8883.8501 assertions/s.
26295 tests, 6229701 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 84 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-02T11:00:42Z master 33795931a0) [x86_64-linux]

今日のビルド(Universal Parser 有効化)

33795931a021c6abebe2c60864d88b8f4644ff70 までを pull ってきてビルド。

ruby_parser.c: In function ‘rb_parser_config_initialize’:
ruby_parser.c:721:29: warning: assignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attribute [-Wsuggest-attribute=format]
  721 |     config->compile_warn    = rb_compile_warn;
      |                             ^
ruby_parser.c:722:29: warning: assignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attribute [-Wsuggest-attribute=format]
  722 |     config->compile_warning = rb_compile_warning;
      |                             ^
ruby_parser.c:723:29: warning: assignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attribute [-Wsuggest-attribute=format]
  723 |     config->bug             = rb_bug;
      |                             ^
ruby_parser.c:724:29: warning: assignment left-hand side might be a candidate for a format attribute [-Wsuggest-attribute=format]
  724 |     config->fatal           = rb_fatal;
      |                             ^
ruby_parser.c: At top level:
cc1: note: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Wno-self-assign’ may have been intended to silence earlier diagnostics
cc1: note: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Wno-parentheses-equality’ may have been intended to silence earlier diagnostics
cc1: note: unrecognized command-line option ‘-Wno-constant-logical-operand’ may have been intended to silence earlier diagnostics
Finished tests in 666.686967s, 39.4413 tests/s, 9339.0456 assertions/s.
26295 tests, 6226220 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 84 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-02T11:00:42Z master 33795931a0) [x86_64-linux]

今日のテスト(Universal Parser 有効化)

make test-all を実行。

Finished tests in 666.686967s, 39.4413 tests/s, 9339.0456 assertions/s.
26295 tests, 6226220 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 84 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-02T11:00:42Z master 33795931a0) [x86_64-linux]

今日のビルド(YJIT 有効化)

33795931a021c6abebe2c60864d88b8f4644ff70 までを pull ってきてビルド。エラー/警告ともになし。

今日のテスト(YJIT 有効化)

make test-all を実行。

Finished tests in 630.037528s, 41.7356 tests/s, 9884.7461 assertions/s.
26295 tests, 6227761 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 85 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-02T11:00:42Z master 33795931a0) [x86_64-linux]

今日のビルド(RJIT 有効化)

33795931a021c6abebe2c60864d88b8f4644ff70 までを pull ってきてビルド。エラー/警告ともになし。

今日のテスト(RJIT 有効化)

make test-all を実行。

Finished tests in 681.584690s, 38.5792 tests/s, 9134.3806 assertions/s.
26295 tests, 6225854 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 86 skips

ruby -v: ruby 3.3.0dev (2023-11-02T11:00:42Z master 33795931a0) [x86_64-linux]